Tuesday, April 15, 2008

ReSharper 3.1 in Visual Studio

For quite some time I have been using ReSharper now, currently version 3.1. Bottom line it helps creating better code and it has features that are beyond Visual Studio's capabilities. This is good mostly but has some side effects, too. I like for instance all the suggestions with regards to improving the code. It's a bit odd when you insert some code, e.g. a declaration of a variable of a type that is part of System, that ReSharper adds the fully qualified name including the name of the namespace. A few seconds later it may suggest to remove the namespace name is thinks that it is not necessary. Feels a bit like the fireman who wanted to be a hero, so he set a house on fire in order to being called for fighting the fire.... One thing that can be challenging if you use formatting features. ReSharper may decide to format items differently than Visual Studio. So depending on whether you have the settings for the two in sync you may end up with code that looks the same or that looks inconcistent. It certainly would be great if ReSharper would do some form of synchronization. There are other minor subtleties about which I'll blog as I encounter them. But by and large the product is a good complement to Visual Studio's feature set. Note: I paid in full for my license, and I have no financial or other interest in JetBrains the company behind ReSharper.


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