Friday, April 03, 2009

Membership Provider Implementation using NHibernate

ASP.NET allows selectively replacing provider implementations with your own custom implementation, e.g. when you want to store membership information in a database other than aspnetdb.mdf. There are more details provided on MSDN. Microsoft provides one such example implementation for ODBC in C# here. For VB.NET a sample membership provider implementation can be found here. While the provider concept is essentially nothing more than Microsoft's flavor of service trays, it is not a surprise that by default Microsoft has a preference for their own products, in particular Microsoft SQL Server. And as long as you don't have a good reason to get into the details of a custom implementation it probably is a good choice to go with what comes out of the box. However, I (and my customers) would like a little more flexibility. Since I'm also experimenting with Fluent NHibernate I am attempting to implement a custom membership provider for ASP.NET based on NHibernate. The idea is that I could use in-memory databases for testing and SQL Server or PostgreSQL for production without having to change a single line of code. All I would need is changing four lines in web.config. So goes the theory. Let's see whether practice proves it right. So far the code looks much simpler than the ODBC sample implementation and yet easier to read and understand. I'll keep you posted.


Unknown said...

Any luck with this?

Manfred Lange said...

I had to put it on the back burner for a while to work on a new release of csUnit.

Anonymous said...

Hi , if you are still looking for this I have implemented this in fleunt , the areticle is availabel here

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