Sunday, August 08, 2010

Partial Methods in C#

While experimenting with ASP.NET MVC 2 – I’m working through “Professional ASP.NET MVC 2” - I also took a lock at some of the generated code. I do this out of curiosity as sometimes I find something that I can use later for my own code as well.

This time I discovered partial methods when I checked out the designer code for the entity framework (EF) model. In the class NerdDinnerEntities you will find the following:

#region Partial Methods
partial void OnContextCreated();

Partial methods work to some degree like delegate registered for an event but with less overhead for very special situations. I could have written up the details about this myself, but I found a blog that describes “C# 3.0 – Partial Methods” in a wonderful, easy-to-understand way.


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